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Redeem a Gift Certificate

Redeem any eCommerceWebsite.com gift certificate that you may have received for any of the web design, web hosting, and website marketing services we offer by simply following these easy instructions:

  1. Find the gift certificate you received by email and locate the code (for example, BUY-WEB-NOW-123) which is unique to your gift certificate.

  2. Browse any of the services we offer such as one of the custom web design services we offer for customizing the webdesign of an eCommerce website. Upon choosing the web development service you like, add it to your online shopping cart.

  3. Visit our website's e-commerce shopping cart by clicking on "Shopping Cart" link in the top navigation menu to confirm that the service you wish to purchase has been added to cart (if not, please check your web browser to make sure cookie acceptance is not turned off).

  4. Finally, scroll down and look for the section with the heading, "Redeem Gift Certificate By Entering Code Below". Please type the gift certificate code into the box below that heading and then click "Go" to redeem the gift certificate.